Temple of Diana at Ephesus

The aisles are divided into three bays corresponding to the main dome and two half-domes of the nave. The central bays (M,M) are screened off from the nave by lattice-work (N,N); the four green marble columns in the lower storey of either screen came from the Temple of Diana at Ephesus. The eight columns of porphyry separating the other bays from the four recesses are said to have been brought to Rome by Aurelian from the Temple of the Sun at Baalbek; they were given to Justinian by a patrician lady named Marcia, as a propitiatory offering for the salvation of her soul.

The capitals of all the columns are exquisite specimens of sculpture; and it is hard to tell what particular style of architecture they belong to, unless they are to be called Greco-Gothic. They are in imitation of a thistle, and are adorned with various monograms, chiefly those of Justinian and Theodora. According to an anonymous writer, they were gilt with real gold.

On the ceiling of the apse is a picture of Christ in the act of benediction, already referred to; the twelve medallions over the columns of the third aisle contained the bas-reliefs of the twelve apostles, which have been removed by the Turks. The black and white marble square within the basilica is supposed to be a model of the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem.

The church was converted into a mosque immediately after the capture of Constantinople by the Turks, and Muhammad II. first said his prayers in it on Friday, 1st June, 1453. Mecca, towards which all Muhammadans turn their faces when praying, bearing S.E. from St. Sophia guided tours istanbul, prevented the Turks from placing the Mihrab (P) (altar), a stone or niche indicating the direction in which Mecca lies, where the Christian altar formerly stood, and necessitated the placing of the Mihrab between the eastern and southern windows, which consequently caused all the carpets and matting to be placed in the same direction, thus producing a strange architectural effect, by conveying the idea that St. Sophia is built with a slight slant.


Near the Mihrab is the Minber (Q) (pulpit), only used on Fridays, from which the Kiatib (reader) clad in a long red robe recites the Hutbeh or prayer for the Sultan. At St. Sophia, as in all other mosques which were formerly Christian churches, the Kiatib grasps a drawn sword as well as a Koran while reciting this prayer. The Maafil-i-Humayun (R), or the Sultan’s private pew, next to the Mihrab, on eight ancient columns, and surrounded by a shining sun, was erected by Messrs. Fossati during the last restoration of the mosque. The little gallery opposite the Minber is for the muezzins or chanters, who chant the service, and is called Maajil. Of the eight green shields high up, that to the right of the Mihrab bears the name of God; the one on the left the name of Muhammad; the remaining six bear respectively the names of the Caliphs, Abu – bekr, Omar, Hassan, Ali, Osman, and Hussein.

The two large alabaster jars for ablutionary purposes, on either side of the main entrance, were brought from the island of Marmora by Sultan Murad III. One of the two Mecca prayer-carpets on the walls, near the imperial pew and the Maafil, is said to have belonged to Muhammad II., and to have been used by him the first time he said his prayers in St. Sophia. On a stone in the wall of the south-east bay, just behind the Maafil, is the print of a bloody hand and its five fingers, ascribed by tradition to Muhammad II., the mark of a hand and five fingers having from the days of Murad I. been adopted as the ruler’s sign- manual, and being the origin of the imperial monogram. In the north-west part of the north aisle is a bronze-sheathed column with a hole in it, which Muhammadans believe to be always damp and to possess miraculous healing powers; sufferers put their finger into the hole and afterwards apply it to the afflicted part of their bodies, in the hope of a miraculous cure.

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